Seasickness Remedy

Being from Southern California, you’d think that I would never get seasick.  However, I get seasick or motion sick on certain carnival rides, etc.  My formula has been fool-proof for me for over 20 years.  It’s not expensive, and you don’t have to do anything special except to follow the directions below.

  1. Purchase either Bonine or Dramamine (Less Drowsiness Formula).  Both of these OTC meds are the same drug, which is Antivert.  Purchase enough so that you’ll be able to take 2 tablets each day of your cruise the first couple of days.  After that, you’ll only need to take 1 tablet per day.  The drug Antivert, or meclizine as it is listed on the boxes of these meds, is the drug of choice for vertigo.
  2. The morning of the cruise, begin by taking 2 pills at once.  These should be taken along with a good breakfast consisting of fruit, yogurt, and whole grains; don’t eat anything greasy like bacon, etc., since this kind of food is hard to digest and is heavy on the stomach.
  3. Once you board the ship, you’ll be able to have lunch onboard.  Again, eat light.  I usually eat soup and salad.  By dinner, you should be able to ready to eat whatever you want.  If the weather is bad, meaning that the ship will really be rocking, I have been known to take 3 Bonine at once.  The dosage is ½ of the prescription dosage, so you don’t have to worry about overdosing.
  4. The third day of the cruise you may try to tape down to 1 pill a day.  However, this isn’t necessary.  I’ve been known to take 2 pills throughout the cruise, and it didn’t make me drowsy.
  5. If you are off the ship at a port-of-call, continue with the Bonine/Non-drowsiness Dramamine.  This will keep it in your bloodstream so that you won’t have to play catch up on board again.
  6. Last but not least, going to one of the deck and getting fresh air is always a good idea.  Try to look out at the horizon – this also helps your inner ear adapt to the ship’s movement.

By following these directions, you should have a wonderful cruise without suffering any motion sickness issues.  Always make sure that you’ve got a little something in your stomach as this helps also, i.e., crackers, etc.  You can stop the medication without any side effects.

The Art of Cruising Is Your 6-Star Cruising Specialist!

Happy Cruising,

Kristie Fessenden


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